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Colon hydrotherapy is a safe and naturally effective method of cleansing the colon is referred to as colonics, colon irrigation high enemas or colon therapy. It is the infusion of filtered temperature controlled water into the colon through a rectal nozzle that is inserted into the rectum. When the water is filtered in fecal matter is then released from the long intestine (colon), without the use of pills, drugs, or laxantives. The colon is the last five and a half to six feet of the digestive tract. It is a hollow, tube-like organ approximately 2 ½ inches in diameter. It is primary function is to move digested food along by a wave – like motion known as peristaltic action. The colon is the living area for a host of bacteria that help the synthesis of vitamins such as K and B. The colon also functions to absorb nutrients, water, proteins, and salts back into the blood stream.
Colon hydrotherapy allows the body to rid itself of impacted fecal matter by gently infusing water into the colon. Because the water hydrates the colon, it will help soften the fecal matter thus allowing the body to flush it out of the system more readily. When waste material has accumulated over a long period of time, it causes the body to become overloaded with toxins. The toxins will then start to back up into the body, known as autointoxication. The backed-up toxins will eventually end up in the bloodstream which can lead to a variety of health problems and the slowing down of other bodily functions.
Well, as happens to many people, from a personal experience, I seemed to have back pain for many years, and I understood that the colon plays a very important role in health, I suffered from constipation and did not know, which was the root of many problems, so I was interested in learning a little more about the colon.
Colon hydrotherapy is a comfortable experience for the vast majority of people, however if you feel any discomfort, the session can be stopped at any time and techniques are used to gently stimulate the natural peristaltic action of the colon to release the softening wastes. We highly suggest the treatment of castor oil before colon therapy as it helps to improve the results of colon therapy, relieves the discomfort of muscle aches, pains, cramps, helps to relax. etc
This is a very simple treatment, you lie on your back, castor oil is placed in the abdominal area and a heater is placed, this penetrates and helps you improve the results of colon therapy, increases the function of the immune system, increases the metabolism, relieve the discomfort of muscle aches, etc.
We are not going to call it a diet, we only need to drink enough water and try to avoid heavy meals the day before, and try don’t eat 2 hours before, this can be found ____________________ in the preparation before the colonic.
If you can go back to your normal activities.
Everyone is different, so the number of colon hydrotherapy sessions will depend completely on the individual and his/her wellness goals. Just as some people exercise on a daily or weekly basis to tone and tighten their outer body, some people also have their own on-going cleansing, toning and rebuilding regimen for their inner body. Colon hydrotherapy can be used as part of any regular maintenance program. We offer a membership program. A minimum of 3 continuous colonics is recommended to begin to dexintosify the colon.
Our colon hydrotherapy system uses city water that is filtered through a charcoal filter and ultraviolet water purification unit. The unit is an enclosed gravity fed system that has been FDA registered.
The emotion that is related to the colon is “Letting go” when the person is very controlling, and so on.
Our colon hydrotherapy system uses city water that is filtered through a charcoal filter and ultraviolet water purification unit. The unit is an enclosed gravity fed system that has been FDA registered.
We are not medical doctors. It is not our intention to diagnose, prescribe or claim to cure any ailment. All of our information is for educational purposes only.