Colon Hydrotherapy
What is it?
Detoxifies your body of organic remains (feces) that accumulate in the colon, through a simple procedure. At MCM Holistic Heathcare we offer this health treatment, which in addition to being painless and hygienic is also very comfortable performed by an expert, certified and qualified person (see Mariela Cedeno)
- Rebalances the body and activates the circulatory system, improving circulatory and lymphatic disorders such as varicose veins and cellutitis.
- It helps to relieve constipation
- Avoid the appearance of headaches,
- Reduces some dermatological affectations, and favors the elimination of some allergies
- They influence the balance of the intestinal flora and the immune system.
Preparing your body for a colon hydrotherapy session
Day before therapy-Enjoy plenty of the following:
• Raw or slightly steamed vegetables.
• Fruit (one hour prior to eating vegetables or 1 hour after eating vegetables) go easy on bananas.
• White fish or salmon if meat is needed.
• Lots of water – room temperature (not ice cold).
• Herbal teas.
• Fruit based smoothies.
• Freshly expressed vegetable juices (to sweetness add one or two apples).
• Freshly expressed fruit and vegetable juice blends.
Day of therapy:
• Follow the same rules as the day before therapy.
• Do not eat 2 hours prior to colonic session. If you can’t try to eat very light.
• If your session is in the morning, try to avoid eating – just drink plenty water.
• Don’t chew gum before the colonic.
• Wear comfortable clothes.
After Care Schedule your follow-up appointment within days of your initial Colonic, preferably within 5-7 days.
• Replenish with good bacteria also known as Probiotic (ie. Acidophilus, Bifidus). When you have a Colonic, you rinse away both good and bad bacteria. You need your good bacteria (for at least 3 days after). They keep you regular and keep yeast under control. A liquid or capsule with at least 20 Billion multi-cultured strands is recommended. Probiotic foods such as sauerkraut, kefir, kimchi.
• Replace electrolytes. Drink plenty of liquids water (coconut water is good option), fresh juices and plenty of room temperature water.
• Eat light and soft foods for the rest of the day. Like soup BROTH for the next 4 hours. After 4 hours you can eat lightly steamed vegetables, fresh fruit.
• Do not eat raw vegetables, not nuts for 4 hours. Reduce meat consumption for 1 day.
• Refrain from dairy products, white starch, fried food, sugar, caffeine and alcohol for 4 hours.
You can resume your normal diet next day, but stay conscious of your purpose for having a colonic and the commitment you have made for yourself. Remember Absorption and assimilation of nutrients is enhanced after your colonic, so whatever you take into your body matters!.
• Everyone’s experience is different depending on your unique health situation. Most people feel normal or a little lighter and clearer than normal.
• Many people feel tired, especially after their first couple of sessions
• Although many people have flatter stomachs after the appointment, some people experience tenderness or bloating in the tummy.
• Occasionally, but rarely-someone may experience “symptoms of detox” or “healing crisis”. Where you get symptoms of illness right after your cleanse.
• Most people can go back to life as usual right after their session- such as working out or going to work. However, we do recommend focusing on self-care the day of your colonic.
• Doing a colonic is not like taking a laxative. You should not feel uncontrollable urges to go to the washroom once your appointment is done. You may have to use the toilet from time to time-but you should have full control.
Choose Your PACK
Choose the best option that suits your budget and objectives.
Linda Carter
Since I had the treatment I feel better and I am happy ... my husband is not only surprised but grateful, he has never looked so good! and now he wants them to do Colon Hydrotherapy